
At Force of Nature, our mission is to create a healthier environment for all of us to work in, play in and raise our families in each day. We’re so happy you’re looking to do the same.

We know businesses are concerned about the health and environmental costs of typical cleaning products. Our research shows that 88% of people will choose to go to a business more often if it uses safe, non-toxic disinfectants*. At the same time, keeping your business clean and safe from germs is mission-critical, and we’re here to help you do that!

The challenge has always been avoiding single-use plastic bottles and ingredients like quaternary ammonia and bleach. These are the most common disinfectant ingredients, despite being linked to health risks including asthma, allergies, endocrine disruption, and reproductive toxicity. And what about the impact of long term exposure? A recent study showed that chronic exposure to typical cleaning products can be as dangerous to adult respiratory systems as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day**. Imagine the impact of that exposure on children, who breathe, eat and drink 3 times as much per pound of body weight as adults! We knew there had to be a better way.

When we learned about the powerful, yet gentle, industrial cleaning technology called electrolyzed water, we knew we had found our planet-friendly, people-friendly answer. Electrolyzed water, and its antimicrobial ingredient hypochlorous acid, have been used for over 50 years in industrial applications ranging from wound healing and eye care to disinfecting hospitals and produce preservation.

Our super smart product engineers and scientists worked their magic to make this technology broadly accessible by sizing it down for businesses and organizations of all sizes. We launched our first Force of Nature in 2016 and since then, with the help of our amazing customers, we’ve eliminated nearly 7 million single-use plastic bottles. We’d love to help you keep your business sparkling clean, safe from germs, and free from harmful chemicals too!

*Cleaning Product Attitude Survey, 755 respondents, 7/20/20.
**American Journal of Respiratory & Care Medicine 2/16/2018